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A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

Learning Objectives: Know the difference between the trait theory, social learning approach and interactionist perspective Discuss the Nature vs. Nurture debate. Are personality characteristics are innate or learned? Introduce the Lewin approach to personality and the Hollander approach to the Interactionist Theory.
A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Aggression

A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Aggression

Learning Objectives Identify and describe the four different theories of aggression Understand the difference between aggression and assertion and link to different theories. Be able to justify and evaluate the different aggression theories, linking ways to prevent/limit aggression.
A Level PE - Movements of Joints

A Level PE - Movements of Joints

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Identify the anatomical position. - Introduce anatomical terms of location. - Discuss the joint actions possible at synovial joints.
A Level PE - Joints and Bones

A Level PE - Joints and Bones

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Classify the bones and joints of the body. - Identify the different types of Synovial Joints in the body. - Identify the articulating bones from the main joints.
A Level PE - Warm Up and Cool Down

A Level PE - Warm Up and Cool Down

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Define a warm up and cool down. - Analyse the effects of a warm up and cool down on skeletal muscle tissue. - Discuss different bone disorders, joint stability and posture and alignment.
A level PE - Muscular Contractions

A level PE - Muscular Contractions

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Identify the different types of Muscular Contraction. - Relate these types of Muscular Contraction to physical activity. - Perform a number of exercises which utilise the different types of Muscular Contraction.
A Level PE - Movement Analysis

A Level PE - Movement Analysis

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Recap the types of movement possible at joints. - Relate these types of movement to physical activity. - Complete a full movement analysis of a discrete skill.
A Level PE - Joint Stability

A Level PE - Joint Stability

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Complete an analysis of joints in relation to joint stability. - Identify the reasons for poor alignment and posture.
A level PE - Heart Rate, Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output

A level PE - Heart Rate, Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Describe the relationship between stroke volume, heart rate and cardiac output. - Explain the changes that take place to stroke volume, heart rate and cardiac output during different intensities of physical activity.
A level PE - Heart Conduction System and Cardiac Cycles

A level PE - Heart Conduction System and Cardiac Cycles

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Provide an overview of the Conduction System. - Describe how the heart works as a dual action pump (Cardiac Cycle, diastole and systole). - Describe the link between the Cardiac Cycle and the Conduction System of the heart.
A Level PE - Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport

A Level PE - Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: You are to create an A3 poster which informs the reader about the below points. Your target audience has no previous knowledge of this topic so the poster must be very informative. Use page 57 in your notebook and pages 87-88 as guidance in your textbook however, other resources will need to be used. Poster Content: Describe how carbon dioxide and oxygen are carried within the vascular system. Identify how effective transportation of carbon dioxide and oxygen within the vascular system aids participation in physical activity Explain how smoking affects the transportation of oxygen.
A level PE - Energy Systems & ATP

A level PE - Energy Systems & ATP

A Level Exercise Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Describe the breakdown and re-synthesis of ATP. - Introduce the three energy systems used to supply ATP to working muscles. - Explain how duration and intensity of exercise for relates to each energy systems.
A Level PE - Energy, Work and Power & ATP

A Level PE - Energy, Work and Power & ATP

A Level Exercise Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - To define the terms ‘energy’, ‘work’ and ‘power’. - Identify examples of potential, chemical and kinetic energy. - Introduce ATP.
Rugby Union Quiz Wet Weather PE Lesson

Rugby Union Quiz Wet Weather PE Lesson

This resource contains a quiz with 20 questions based on the rules and tactics of rugby union. I use this for wet weather lessons when teaching rugby union. Examples of question are: 1. What is a scrum? 2. What does a hooker do in a rugby team?
A Level PE - The Golden Triangle, Sport and Social Media

A Level PE - The Golden Triangle, Sport and Social Media

Lesson Objectives: Introduce the ‘Golden Triangle’ and the interrelationship between commercialisation, media and sponsorship. To explore how the ‘Golden Triangle’ influences the development of sport in modern day society. Identify what social media is and the impact it has on sport.